Post by wolf4537 on Sept 10, 2008 19:58:33 GMT -5
What do you think is the worst wipeout you've seen in Sasuke?
I'd probably say either Katsumi Yamada's fall on Sasuke 6 when he landed hard on the ground instead of the water, and Hirowaki Yoshizaki (sp?) in Sasuke 2 when he completely crashed into the finish mat on stage 3 and then landed in the water.
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Post by scnoi1217 on Sept 10, 2008 20:09:13 GMT -5
Those two are good. I'll give a few more. Shingo Yamamoto in Sasuke 9 when he failed the Rumbling Dice, Masami Yusa in Sasuke 13 when she failed the Jump Hang, and the comedian Black Mayonnaise in Sasuke 18 when he failed the Rope Glider (he got injured and I remember reading that it took months to heal).
Post by RiderLeangle on Sept 10, 2008 20:12:51 GMT -5
Those, And the two nut hits (Kinuki Taro and Yamada Katsumi) seemed pretty painful (And funny to watch).
Post by talledega7 on Sept 10, 2008 20:38:18 GMT -5
How about Bunpei Shiratori bashing his head on the balance tank in 14? That one had to ring his bell something nasty.
Post by obakemono on Sept 10, 2008 20:45:04 GMT -5
How about Bunpei Shiratori bashing his head on the balance tank in 14? That one had to ring his bell something nasty. Or Yamamoto in Sasuke 13, when he dropped the final wall of the Wall Lift on his leg, causing him to miss the button. 50kg falling on your leg can't be too pleasant.
Post by RiderLeangle on Sept 10, 2008 20:48:45 GMT -5
Well they have the stoppers and the foam under the walls so its not really that bad, I mean ask Levi.
Post by TCM on Sept 10, 2008 21:35:09 GMT -5
No one's said Daisuke(sp?)'s fall on the arm rings, the fact that he made it that far it the obstacle, considering his injury was gutsy, and painful.
Post by RiderLeangle on Sept 10, 2008 21:39:18 GMT -5
Well that was already there and not really caused by the obstacle himself. So as painful as that is, it doesn't exactly count.
Post by Homeslice on Sept 10, 2008 21:54:48 GMT -5
I kinda think it does. I agree the obstacle didn't cause it, but he was just in complete agony. I feel bad for him.
As for wipeouts, I really do have to vote for Taro Konuki and Katsumi Yamada's falls on the Balance Bridge (3) and Balance Tank (11), respectively. Those sure hurt me just watching them! Safe to say Mr. Ninja Warrior couldn't possibly have any more little Mr. Ninja Warriors after a fall like that....
Another one I thought was painful: remember Toshihiro Takeda's crash off the Reverse Fly in 16? That. Had. To. Hurt.
And one I gotta vote for as well: Hironori Kuboki's wipeout on the Quintuple Step in 8. No one expected that from him, and it was just spectacular! Yeow! He definitely had to have felt that one in the morning.
Post by RiderLeangle on Sept 10, 2008 21:58:07 GMT -5
About that Balance Tank mishap, I think he was trying to be able to compete in Kunoichi just to win at some kind of obstacle course!
Post by wolf4537 on Sept 10, 2008 22:23:12 GMT -5
No one's said Daisuke(sp?)'s fall on the arm rings, the fact that he made it that far it the obstacle, considering his injury was gutsy, and painful. I still don't get what happened. Was he in like a car accident? Does he still compete?
Post by RiderLeangle on Sept 10, 2008 22:25:20 GMT -5
Yes, he was in a hit and run and broke his wrists, they healed but they healed at a bad angle, He competed one last time in Sasuke 17 and made it all the way to Stage 3 but his bad hands hurt him (Litterally and Metaphoricly) on the Arm Rings and he failed. I think thats the only Arm Ring Failure actually.
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Post by arsenette on Sept 10, 2008 22:32:05 GMT -5
He was on a motorcycle and got rammed from behind by a pickup truck.. then the truck left .. he woke up in the hospital with both arms broken and some creepy stalker chick by his bedside a couple days later.. Poor guy..
Post by japantv1210 on Sept 10, 2008 22:57:03 GMT -5
I've got to say Hirowaki Yoshizaki's face plant on the final platform mat at the end of the pipe slider in Sasuke 2. I mean you know it hurts when you have your own shirt ripped off haha. Also, I'm not so sure that this is that painful, but what about Hang Glider Man getting clotheslined by the first hurdle in the hurdle jump in Sasuke 15.
Nagasawa Hidenori
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Post by jcdenton on Sept 10, 2008 23:10:52 GMT -5
When Katsumi Yamada was on side of the end mat on Stage 3, but fell on the ground
Oh god that had to be painful both physically and mentally, combine those, good god
Post by Homeslice on Sept 11, 2008 7:49:02 GMT -5
I thought that wipeout by Harashima in 15 was painFUL! G4 knew what they were doing when they made that a Warrior Wipeout. It's a heck of a better wipeout than the one he had in 16 - which I don't really think was much of a wipeout to be honest. I did like his reaction after he fell from the (Cross) Bridge (of Blades), though - "How do you like me now?!" He was CRAZY!
Another fall I thought looked painful was in the 4th competition, when Iketani fell backwards from the Pipe Slider. Man, that could not have been fun! Ouch!
It looked as bad as the one 10 tournaments later when Nagano fell from the Jumping Bars, too.
Post by RiderLeangle on Sept 11, 2008 11:07:01 GMT -5
I think Harashima got the warrior wipeout in 16 because he slamed into a non obstacle on the way to the Rolling Log.
Post by Homeslice on Sept 11, 2008 11:39:40 GMT -5
Actually, G4 named him a Warrior Wipeout in 15, but the one in 16 was voted in an internet poll. I know he tripped and fell after clearing the Sextuple Step but if you look on youtube, they don't seem to show that, making one think that the fall on the bridge was the wipeout. The only Warrior Wipeout award in 16 went to Takeda when he fell on his back after the Reverse Fly.
In fact, I think the only "Warrior Wipeout" (as named in a Ninja Warrior episode) that made the poll was Taro Konuki's painful "attacking" of the Balance Bridge with his crotch in 3. Not that any of it should matter really because there's tons of other wipeouts that G4 never looks at anyway.
But back to the topic! What else was painful? I'll name a Kunoichi 7 wipeout: Emi Fukushita, pinup model (I believe), on the Barrel Roll.
Actually, speaking of Takeda, his fall from the Pipe Slider in 12 was horrible - I understand he broke his shoulder when it happened.
Rambling Rican
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Post by arsenette on Sept 11, 2008 12:02:03 GMT -5
Yes Takeda broke his shoulder on the Pipe Slider crash in 12 and SHingo broke his shoulder on the totally botched dismount off the rumbling dice.
Yamada Kōji
Posts: 1,188
Post by SuperTiger on Sept 11, 2008 16:08:54 GMT -5
What about when Yamamoto broke his shoulder in the final stage, that was nasty.